Tattoo Aftercare

Once your tattoo is complete, your artist will either place a standard bandage or Tegaderm bandage over it, which is a transparent film. These bandages will serve as a protective barrier in the tattoo healing process.

Standard bandage:

  1. Keep the bandage/wrap on for 2-4 hours.

  2. Remove the wrap gently and wash your tattoo. Avoid using washcloths, bath towels, sponges, or loofas on a fresh tattoo.

  3. Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor 2-3 times daily for the first three days.

  4. After that, switch to an unscented body lotion to moisturize your tattoo for 10-14 days (regular fragrance-free lotion such as Lubriderm, Cetaphil, etc.)

Things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid soaking your tattoo in water (pools, baths, oceans, etc.) or direct sunlight, as this can increase the odds of complications.

  • Over the next few days, the tattoo will become flaky, dry, and tight. Use a fragrance-free, non-greasy lotion sparingly, 1-2 times a day.

  • Rub the lotion in until it is fully absorbed into your skin. If the scab forms, it will be the color of the ink used. This does not mean that the ink is going to fall out. Leave the scab and let it fall off naturally. Do not pick or scratch the area.

  • Wear loose, preferably cotton clothing over the fresh tattoo. The tattoo need not be re-bandaged except in certain, rare instances. A bra strap, tight waistband, sweaty gym shoes, or itchy cotton sweater can potentially create healing problems.

Tegaderm (transparent film):

  1. If your tattoo is bandaged with transparent film, you should keep the bandage for three days. Please do not keep it longer than four days. During this time, it is normal to see some fluid build-up beneath the bandage. (If the bandage begins to leak, you must remove it immediately and follow the standard aftercare instructions.) 

  2. After three days, gently remove the film under warm running water and wash the tattoo with mild, fragrance-free soap.

Things to keep in mind:

  • If you experience redness/burning right around the edges of the bandage, remove it immediately—you may be allergic to the adhesive.

  • With this bandage, you can skip any ointment use and go straight to lotion.

  • When your bandage fills up with fluid, it can look alarming. However, it is not a cause for concern unless the fluid leaks out of the bandage or the buildup is excessive. As long as the seal of the bandage is still intact, you should leave it on for three days. 

PSA: Everyone’s body heals a bit differently. If you’ve gotten tattoos in the past, we recommend doing what has worked for you before.